Useful hobbies are all around. Mine is to build paper models. When I was a child I built quite a few plastic kit models. Cars, aircraft and military vehicles mostly. I thought I had some experience building scale models.
Then I tried building one using paper model building task in itself. You'll probably have to print a part several times until you can bend and shape it correctly. If you are a beginner on this field, you'll need more time to get the shape you need. The only rule I found is to not give up.
Paper Craft
It feels nothing short of terrific to start with a simple sheet of paper models, you'll find yourself to be a better and more experienced model builder.
Your initial efforts will turn into results and by the time you will have filled your shelves with "paper model with? I suggest trying yourself first. Maybe it isn't for you. Don't buy many expensive tools, accessories, glue, maybe a new printer if you don't have those already. Choose a cheaper art knife with some spare blades and use some old newspaper craft" + "your topic"
Change "your topic" phrase to what you like. It's simple as that.
Having downloaded the pattern, print it on the proper paper crafts you'll become more experienced. You'll find solutions and way of doing things that fit you. Maybe, in time, you'll design your own scale-models. Every time you look at the model you had built, you'll realize how nice it looks. Nice and precious for you because it contains all those work hours. The truth is, it contains a little piece of you.
Papercraft Models